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TAG 标签深圳北大医院 




        医院占地面积5.9万平方米,编制病床800张,实际开放病床1005张。二期规划建设工程建设完工后,医院总建筑面积将达22.3万平方米,病床总数达 1600-1800张。医院总资产达9.3亿元,拥有总价值超5.8亿元的现代化医疗设备。现有员工近2000人,其中拥有副主任医师以上职称的高级技术 人才600多名,硕士以上学位人员450多名,有海外留学经历人员100多名。

        医院开设52个临床医技科室,其中1个国家级合作重点学科、8个省级临床重点医学专科、1个省级重点实验室、8个市级重点学科及实验室。医院开展的一大批 医学高新技术和特色服务项目,吸引了深圳、香港、澳门以及周边地区的大批患者,还有来自全球36个国家和地区的外宾前来就诊。2012年医院年门急诊总量 约261万人次,年出院病人近4.4万人次,年手术量2.8万台次。作为临床医学院,医院设立了内、外、妇、儿等二级教研室23个,三级教研室27个。年 接收北京大学本科、研究生、临床实习生50多名,其他实习、进修人员100多名。现已建立博士后科研工作站1个,博士培养点5个,硕士培养点37个,共有 硕士、博士导师80余名。现承担10多项国家、省自然科学基金项目,630多项国家、省部、市级科研课题,并获得多项国家、省、市科技成果和国家专利。

        医院与北京大学、香港科技大学在技术和学术方面展开了广泛的交流与合作,逐步拓展对外交流渠道。医院与日本东京癌研病院建立了姊妹医院关系,并与国际知名 的美国休斯顿医学中心、华盛顿大学医学中心、麻省总医院、加利弗尼亚大学旧金山医学中心和法国尼斯医学中心建立了密切的交流合作关系,并多次互访增进合 作。


Shenzhen Hospital was named Shenzhen Central Hospital when it was opened in 1999. It was renamed as Peking University Shenzhen Hospital and Peking University Shenzhen Clinical Medical College after the cooperation with Peking University in September 2001. Currently, the hospital has investments from the Shenzhen government totaling 450 million RMB. The total asset is worth about 930 million RMB, with the medical equipment worth more than 400 million RMB.
The hospital buildings cover 108, 000 square meters, spread over an area of 59, 000 square meters. Currently, the hospital starts a second phase expansion, including the new, state-of-the-art surgical building. The total construction area of the hospital will increase to 211,000 square meters, a total of 1,200 beds.
There are 2000 staff members, including more than 500 professors and associate professors. More than 450 staffs hold master and doctor degree, and more than 100 staffs have experience of training abroad.
Peking University Shenzhen Hospital is the leading academic hospital in the fast growing Guangdong province of southern China. Shenzhen hospital has 925 inpatient beds, 52 clinical departments, including 1 national key department, 2 provincial key departments, 4 municipal key departments and laboratories. The hospital supplies outstanding services for the local Shenzhen population, and also attracts patient from Hong Kong, Macao, and 36 countries and regions around the world. In 2010, there were 2.3 millions outpatient visits, 42, 000 inpatient admissions, and 24, 000 surgical procedures.
As a teaching hospital, Peking University Shenzhen Hospital Medical Clinical College includes 23 departments of medical education including Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics. There are also 27 educational groups including General Surgery, Urologic Surgery, Digestive Diseases and Endocrinology. The hospital educates more than 50 interns from Peking University including undergraduate and postgraduate students, and more than 100 trainees and students from other universities in China and abroad for advanced training every year. Shenzhen hospital has an established post-doctoral program, with five doctoral programs and 37 postgraduate Master’s Degree programs annually.
The hospital is leading more than 10 research projects from WHO and the National Natural Science Foundation, and more than 630 projects from the provincial government and the municipal government. 13 research projects were awarded national awards from the Chinese government and 9 technical inventions have been submitted for national patents.
The hospital has close cooperation with Peking University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and hospitals and universities in the USA, Europe, and Japan. Shenzhen Hospital has established sister relationships with the Tokyo Institute of Cancer Research, Houston Medical Center, Medical Center of University of Washington, Medical Center of California University at San Francisco, Cleveland Clinic, Nice Hospital and the Health Ministry of France.
Shenzhen Hospital is a leader of medical innovation in the booming southern provinces of China, setting new standards of research and medical care, improving well-being of the local population and treatment for patient from all over the world.
上一个:郑大一附院 下一个:茂名市人民医院


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